Code of Conduct


The Thanet Youth and Community Centre expects a high level of good conduct from its members, its employees and from other centre users.

Everyone deserves respect and to be able to enjoy the peace, friendship and facilities of the centre without disturbance. Employees and other users of the centre are required to refrain from offensive language and behaviour, to respect the centre and to avoid damage to the building or to the property of others. 

  • People will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age.

  • Centre users will not display or distribute posters, leaflets or other forms of information that fail to treat all people with respect regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age, or which would be likely to cause offence.

  • At all times people’s feelings will be valued and respected. Language or humour that people find offensive will not be used e.g. racist jokes, or comments or jokes that are derogatory to someone with a disability.

  • No one will be harassed, abused or intimidated on the grounds of their sex, race, age, nationality or sexual orientation. Incidents of harassment will be treated seriously.

 If a matter cannot be resolved by way of an acceptable apology and an undertaking that the offence will not be repeated, the following action will be taken:

  1. The alleged offender will be asked to leave the centre.

  2. In a case involving employees of the centre, disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the Thanet’s Disciplinary Procedure, a copy of which is available on request or can be found on The Thanet’s website.